Book Review: Unveiled- book 2 of the Unbreakable Series

This is my long overdue book review of 
UNVEILED book 2 of the Unbreakable Series by author Zelly Jordan

I would like to start off by sincerely apologizing to the author for not being able to complete the review last year.       
#COVID19Message-  I hope that all of my readers and followers are well, coping with the new changes, being safe, wearing masks and if not wearing gloves have access to and are using hand sanitizer, being smart about social distancing and are showing love by being kind and courteous to one another.  I also hope that you had more time to read while sheltering in place and staying home. This is an adult paranormal suspense romance with violence, adult language, and mild to maximum sexual content. So if any of that offends you, or they are triggers know the way off the blog!

This is my book review on the second book in the unbreakable series by Australian author Zelly Jordan. This was an ARC provided by the author for the sole purpose of an unbiased review.
The first book introduced us to the characters Kellan, Charlotte, Fin and the mysterious Commander.  These key players still remain in the second book so I am not going to reintroduce you to them.  Please read my book review for Fractured  and purchase and read the book to get caught up. Now that we have all of the housekeeping out of the way ...

Let's meet the additional characters shall we:

Lucas:  Charlotte's brother, plays the brother card hard

J.C.:  while briefly mentioned in the first book, she is alluded to and then has  some small appearances in this book. She is Charlotte's co-worker at the police station  It will remain to be seen if it is enough to develop into more in future books. 

Suarez: Charlotte's boss. He is not right yall. She don't like him, I don't like him. You won't like him. That's all I am gonna say about him.

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Hey there and welcome to UNVEILED, book 2.
If you remember, I was a little peeved in my review of Fractured as it ended on a cliffhanger and to find that I was dealing with a series. Some people like that kind of not so much. Let me know up front so I can get settled in for the long haul. I also had many questions! Thankfully, right away, she cleared up some of those questions I had in my first review and bam! Author Zelly Jordan then proceeded to put her pen to the pad (or fingers to the keyboard) and write a f***king good story!

About halfway through this book I realized there was going to be another one after this. Sigh! (but just between you and me....don't tell the author...I am super excited for the next installment in this series)

So while we will be forced to wait for the next installation, let's get into this one.

My two cents...
This second book was sooo much better than the first, in terms of... Everything. The writing, connecting with Kellan and his crazy beast, the other characters, just everything, was so much more in depth and fluid. This is still mostly told in first person POV.  Unveiled, much like Fractured, is still very inner and outer dialogue rich. Which I really liked because this author does dialogue well and it is not boring and humdrum. The inner dialogue at times being hilarious. 

Right out of the gate author Zelly Jordan hits it out of the park! I read this book pretty much straight through. I did not want to put it down. The raw, emotional level and how the missing pieces are starting to come together are well written, make sense and just DAMN! The story sucks you into Kellan's and Charlotte's New York world...No, that's not adequate... it swallows you whole...  emotionally, thoroughly and then brutally shakes you with flashes of memory in between hair raising action and salacious sexiness. Then just when you think you have a chance to breathe, it spits you out, takes a sledgehammer and delivers the final blow before leaving you and Kellan in a heap of WTF on the floor whimpering... for more. 

FINISH HIM! (Mortal Kombat reference)

To the author-While this temporary ending was all kinds of messed up...why did you do him like that author Zelly, it was deliciously brutal. I just hope you didn't completely break him. Thank you for this book. I anxiously await the next part.
oh my God good!

My Favorite line:
This is the part where I usually give you a favorite line straight from the book but I am instead going to briefly mention a scene I really liked. I apologize if it is construed as a spoiler.

Kellan enters a space where he discovers a motorcycle. Just remembering how I felt as he described the shiny reflective chrome and the glossy leather and me just imagining his powerful thighs straddling all of that power, his meaty strong hands running along the machine,  gripping the the handle bars, the soft yet firm leather seat between..... well you get the point. I was all in by then and that wasn't even one of the smexy parts.

I give this book  5 🔎🔎🔎🔎🔎

Why I gave this rating...
This was the book I was expecting in book one. We got an ok, pretty decent debut but this....This my lovelies, is what we came to the party for. The heat level was on point (Sizzle, Sizzle) as she masterfully edged us through Kellan's (and his beast's) and Charlotte's obvious 100 watt attraction (tease) a good portion of the book before giving up the goods. Kellan has way more control over his beast (albeit he does struggle at times, which makes it believable and interesting and hotter than hell) than in book 1 which was something that irked me and didn't seem quite right. She cleared up the things that made the story writing ....forgive me.... FRACTURED in the first book.
The way Kellan's past is being "UNVEILED" is awesome. I want to tell you so bad but You have to experience this series for yourself. His response to each new discovery, not just his, but his beast's is cohesive, interesting and EMOTIONALLY GUTS YOU. In this book you feel like you are there experiencing each new memory with him. The danger has been amped up in UNVEILED and something I warned you about in my previous review may be coming into fruition.

Side Note: I was reading from an ARC and noticed that some of the words were not spelled in American English (like kerb [curb] and mesmerising [mesmerizing]) but you know what?! Even that was ok. It was like the author was giving us a little piece of her uniqueness and flair to the story. Not sure if it was kept that way in the final published version, but I liked it.

So run don't walk and get to reading so you can get to book 2. Trust me! Need a link? Get it on Amazon


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