Review: Resolve and Retribution

This is a book review for Resolve and Retribution by Michael W Holman Warning this may contain spoilers Yay! It's a vampire story review! As you all know I love, love, love, my vampire stories! This is a supernatural, paranormal kinda 'love' story that is filled with action, betrayal, adventure and a fearless resolve. Resolve and Retribution grabs you on the first page and carries you along for the ride of a lifetime...well actually Ben Hammonds lifetime. Author Michael W Holman's debut novel spins a unique tale that starts in the MC Ben Hammond's life when he was a young, fragile boy. This first book in the series (yes there is a second part to the awesomeness!) reads almost like two parts of a series by itself. The first part of the story gives us an in depth introduction into Ben's life, introduces us to his family, friends, work buddies and people in his life that had a direct influence on him. They all play integral parts in the story and unfortu...