This new site
Recently on Twitter, I was pleased to connect with this new follower. We all love new followers and connections and I love being able to connect with authors and writers. It is expanding my world of books, writings and musings. I was down with a migraine (once again) on Saturday morning and while being confined to bed, decided to check my messages. I was invited to a simple Saturday morning delight. The site has poetry and stories of erotically written literary fiction and even some interestingly off the beaten track videos. It is a smart and kitschy approach to the base, down and dirty, sometimes uncouth writing that erotica can be. This lovely little gem is called KafkaRotica. They can be found on Twitter @KafkaRoti ca and Facebook . Poetic musings, that compare booty popping to Lord Byron's She walks in Beauty is definitely a departure from the expected. A sudden loss of Kitty turns a weekend morning into a sexual romp and many other tidbits of enjoyment. The unique