Hello Sunday
Sunday Mornings are such a beautiful time for reflection, rejuvenation and relaxation. Starting off the day with some personal meditation, prayer with God or what ever your belief system or even just spending quality time with your family is is a great way to recharge and get ready for the week ahead. When looking for a book to talk about today I looked on a book shelf I rarely go through and found some books that I thought were gone still on my shelf. I was hugely relieved and surprised. One of the books I found was a very small yet powerful book. I remember when I got this book and during that time of my life it helped immensely. You or someone you know may be going through a trial or struggle and maybe this book will help. The Prayer of Jabez also known to some as the prayer for increase Dr. Bruce Wilkinson, president of Walk Thru the Bible Ministries, takes readers to 1 Chronicles 4:10 to discover how they can release God's miraculous power and experience the bles