
Showing posts from 2022

Time to Buy!

  Hello Awesome readers, It's time to buy these books!  These two books have been on Amazon for 30 days and have received no love whatsoever! They got thousands of pre-publication reads when they weren't even edited. Help this self-published author out. Add it to your Kindle Unlimited. You can read these books in a few hours.  Once we get sales going, both books will be offered in print or paperback. Kissing in the Rain will even have a limited edition lovers cover for the print version. WHAT!!!!! Yep. It's already printed!  So pick one or choose both! The second and third books coming out of the Forestdale world are being written now. You don't necessarily have to read the books in order, but characters will pop up from previous books, which will help make the reading more fluid.  Did you know Forestdale is a spinoff series from the upcoming novel GINNIE TRANSFORMED? I'm not trying to make any spoilers or promises, but we may have some crossovers happening! Don...

Plans and Goals for 2022

  IT'S 2022, Yall! Usually, This post would have been done in early January, but I was busy like so many others. I was also trying to decide if I wanted to start this blog again. The answer? We'll see.  I would like to get back into promoting independent authors.  After publishing two of my own books under my pen name, and more coming, I found myself dealing with freelancers in other countries and timezones. I wondered why there weren't more freelancers offering services right here in the US. at affordable pricing. However, I did spend quite a bit on marketing and have yet to see any return. But the books are out there for the world to see. I will not focus on them anymore and continue writing the books I started. Maybe I will look up and be pleasantly surprised that I have made some sales one day. I miss hyping up new authors. From my own experience, it can be tough to build up an audience. I found that I had a fair amount of reads when I offered my books for free, but I...