Writer Spotlight: Creole Gaudet

Name :: Creole Gaudet Your Website or Blog :: http://creolegaudet.com In the Author's Words :: I must admit that I honestly don't know what category or genre to place my work, but my best description would be single-life/street-life erotica. This is how I describe it when asked. What I can say is that I am very descriptive. I try to place the reader within the story so that they can see, taste, smell and feel the environment. I am detailed by but not overbearing. I want you to hear the voices of the characters and see the expressions on their faces, but I try hard not to let that distract from the story. It is a balancing act, but I think that I get it across. Content Title :: True Confessions of a Libertine (18+ content for mature audiences) So what's it about? :: True Confessions of a Libertine, is actually my memoir. It is eight vignettes from my life as a single bachelor. In it I detail the good and the bad from, close calls with the law, dangerous exes, ...