Writer Spotlight: Kendra Rainey

Name :: Kendra Rainey

In the Author's Words :: My inspiration is growing up in a Urban area in Dallas, Texas where you don't see alot of people live out there dreams, goals, hopes and wishes. Alot of my friends I grew up with are on drugs or dead. My inspiration is to write Urban novels that allows you to feel whats really going on in today's society. I want my readers to prepare themselves and buckle their seat belts as each chapter has an explosion!

Your favorite author (s)? :: Zane, Eric Jerome Dickey and David Weaver

Title :: Chronicles of A Bad Bitch (+18 content)

So what's it about? :: Young, beautiful, and vibrant! Teresa Camellias was once a woman from Compton that all the men adored. Easily belittled by the crime and atmosphere soon erupted Teresa's poor mind as her mom forced her father away and became corrupted by drugs! So corrupted, that she sold her own daughter to her pimp. After much agony and distress Teresa turned on
friends that were the only family she knew and turned into the fast lane of sex, drugs, poverty, and stripping. Will the terror ever end?

With permission I have been allowed to share her copyrighted work with you on my site. Please contact the author through her website before using any of the work seen here.  

Content Sample ::
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Fuming at the mouth and wanting another hit so bad. I sat 
on the ground after being brutally beaten and raped! I didn't care though because I didn't want my life anymore and I damn near lost my sanity. My bones were sticking out of my poor, rotted skin. My face was bruised with plenty of bumps, whips, and big scratches from my pimp
that I tried to run away from. I was once a woman from Compton that all the men adored; until I started to turn tricks. Mixed with Puerto Rican, Italian, and black; all the girls hated on me. I was most definitely a dime and if there was a quarter I was it! I sat there on the ground gazing into
the sun as it was beginning to go down and I knew if I sat there any longer the man I once loved who was now my pimp, would feel "the urge" and rape me again!

Dreadfully, I stood up on my bare feet and searched around to see where he was. It didn't matter if we were outside, at the mall, or in public my pimp would rape me if I didn't want him at the same time he lusted for me!

"Where you going hoe?" he yelled.

   "Did I tell you that you can go anywhere? You must think this shit is a  game or something! Keep playing with me hoe. I'm a fuck your yella ass up!"

The more he yelled, the more I became afraid. The love I once had for this man was gone and would never come back! Love is blind and it will definitely take over your mind.

"Did you hear me?" he asked with extreme content while hitting my lifeless body several times until I fell onto the ground.

Everything went black and all I could remember was the past and if I was not dreaming; I didn't want to be in the present!
 © Kendra Rainey

What's on the Horizon? :: Booksigning in Late July at Barnes & Noble in Dallas, Texas.
Radio interview with K104 in Dallas, Tx Chronicles of A Bad Bitch 2 and Erotica series in the works.

Where can readers purchase your books or content? :: 

Any tips for aspiring writers? :: Don't rush your writing, sit down in
peace and give yourself a deadline. Believe in your craft and build your 
readers by communicating with them.

Get more of authoress Kendra Rainey on these sites- Amazon/Kindle, Goodreads

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