Writer Spotlight: Pamela Beckford
Name :: Pamela Beckford
Your Website or Blog :: https://poetrybypamela.wordpress.com
Visit Pamela's blog where she shares poetry, reviews, and daily writings. She has released several books of poetry. Today she shares her most recent.
In the Author's Words :: I write poetry - primarily love poetry, although I really enjoy just writing. I use a lot of different varieties of verse - tankas, acrostics, dodoitsu, etc. see an explanation of poetry types here
With permission I have been allowed to share her copyrighted work with you on my site. Please contact the author through her website before using any of the work seen here.
Poetry Title :: Flickering Flames
So what's it about? :: This is a tanka from my latest collection "Love Aflame"

Sample ::
What's on the Horizon? :: My muse has been very quiet lately but I have about half of another collection of poetry ready for publication.
Where can readers purchase your books or content? :: I have published three solo books of poetry and all are available on Amazon (links are also on my poetrybypamela.wordpress.com site)
Voices of Nature: A Collection of Poetry Forms
Dreams of Love: A Poetry Collection
Love - Lost and Found
Your favorite author (s)? :: Hmmm, it used to be Stephen King, but he hasn't written much lately I like. So probably Sarah Cradit
Any tips for aspiring writers? :: Follow your heart
Find more content by poet Pamela Beckford on these sites :: Amazon/Kindle

Your Website or Blog :: https://poetrybypamela.wordpress.com
Visit Pamela's blog where she shares poetry, reviews, and daily writings. She has released several books of poetry. Today she shares her most recent.
In the Author's Words :: I write poetry - primarily love poetry, although I really enjoy just writing. I use a lot of different varieties of verse - tankas, acrostics, dodoitsu, etc. see an explanation of poetry types here
With permission I have been allowed to share her copyrighted work with you on my site. Please contact the author through her website before using any of the work seen here.
Poetry Title :: Flickering Flames
So what's it about? :: This is a tanka from my latest collection "Love Aflame"
Click to purchase |
Sample ::
His touch full of fire
Like a naked flame it burns
Giving off embers
Heating me with raw desire
Flickering flames filled with love
© Pamela Beckford
What's on the Horizon? :: My muse has been very quiet lately but I have about half of another collection of poetry ready for publication.
Where can readers purchase your books or content? :: I have published three solo books of poetry and all are available on Amazon (links are also on my poetrybypamela.wordpress.com site)
Voices of Nature: A Collection of Poetry Forms
Dreams of Love: A Poetry Collection
Love - Lost and Found
Your favorite author (s)? :: Hmmm, it used to be Stephen King, but he hasn't written much lately I like. So probably Sarah Cradit
Any tips for aspiring writers? :: Follow your heart
Find more content by poet Pamela Beckford on these sites :: Amazon/Kindle
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