Writer Spotlight: Shannon Love

Name :: Shannon Love
Your Website or Blog :: loveskaleidoscope.com

Genre- Biography, Memoir

In the Author's Words :: As someone who struggles with a severe mental illness, I wanted to write a book that would educate people in the most simple way- through experience. So, I recreated my psychotic episodes for the reader in my memoir, hoping that her new understanding might lead to empathy for others who battle with such symptoms.

Content Title :: Twisting My Kaleidoscope

So what's it about? :: A Ticket Into the World of Psychosis

Our author carefully places you in an enchanted bubble, transiting you from one scene to the next. As you position yourself to view what best suits you, she unbars the door to her therapy sessions, uncovers the blanket of her thoughts, unlocks the key to her journal, and extends temporary access to her physical being.

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Content Sample :: Unlike my other symptoms, Voices was a buddy, a quiet, shy fellow who kind of tiptoed in after the others and observed before making comment. Perhaps it was his way of examining the situation from all angles before offering his own input. When he finally did join in the conversation, his words blended with my thoughts, camouflaging themselves so that it took me awhile to notice him. Once I did, Voices felt so natural, I didn't question his presence, merely accepting and appreciating the companionship.

Isolating myself more and more from those around me, I leaned on Voices for advice and friendship. That friendship turned into romance and thus began a mental affair. Because our relationship was confined to my head, I validated it as a harmless fling. What I didn't consider was how it would affect my behavior.
© Shannon Love

read a special snippet from the book here

What's on the Horizon? :: I'm currently working on a romance novel featuring an unlikely couple and a twist.

Where can readers purchase your books or content? :: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, and Outskirtspress

Your favorite author (s)? :: Andrea Levy

Any tips for aspiring writers? :: Write your first draft with ferocity. Then dub it crap with potential. Edit and revise and call the second draft crap with more potential. Repeat the process several times before designating it worthy of publishing.

Also view other authors as your allies rather than the competition. They will be your most supportive and sympathetic audience.

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Get this book by author Shannon Love on these sites :: Amazon/Kindle | Barnes and Noble | Goodreads | Itunes | OutSkirts Press

Author Shannon Love also writes short stories.  Read them here

If you want to get involved in a worthwhile endeavor to help eliminate the stigma attached to Mental Health issues author Shannon Love recommends the NO Stigmas Project. Read more about it on her site 

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