A Rainbow Author Event tip on Publishing

Many more mainstream publishers are accepting LGBT writing but require an agent . the list below allows you to get your work published sans the agent. Good luck and hope to see your writing in the next Rainbow Author Event! LGBT romance (with all of its subgenres) is hot right now.

Affinity Rainbow Publishing publishes works of lesbian literature in electronic media (eBooks) and Print on demand. Affinity is wholly owned by authors and the content of works will reflect their collective writing vision. No simultaneous submissions. Manuscripts sent to multiple publishers will be rejected. The genre is unlimited. No pornographic material. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Aunt Lute Books is a nonprofit multicultural women’s press based in San Francisco. For over thirty years, they have been publishing literature that voices the perspectives of women from a broad range of communities. They have published a number of well-known feminist and lesbian authors. They are seeking manuscripts, both fiction and nonfiction, by women from a variety of cultures, ethnic backgrounds and subcultures. Note: They publish very few books per year. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Bella Books the largest lesbian-owned press devoted to the publication of books written for, by and about women-loving-women. Bella’s books reach worldwide audiences through print, eBooks, translations and distribution.  They now partner with a number of other publishers and independent authors to offer a range of reading choices on their website—BellaBooks.com. Read submission guidelines HERENo simultaneous submissions.

BLF Press is open to various types of literary work. They are especially interested in work that centers women of color and same gender loving women. Their preferred genres are short fiction, literary fiction, memoir, and creative non-fiction. Prose (fiction and non-fiction) manuscripts should be from 40,000-80,000 words; poetry collections should be at least 50 pages.  If your work is under serious consideration elsewhere, please wait until you've received a decision before submitting it here. They ask for limited print and electronic rights. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Blind Eye Books publishes science fiction, fantasy, mystery, and romance novels featuring LGBTQ protagonists. They do not publish short story collections, poetry, erotica, horror or non-fiction. Length: 70,000 to 150,000 words. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Bold Strokes Books offers a diverse collection of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer general and genre fiction. BSB genre fiction includes all romance sub-genres as well as action, adventure, crime, mystery/intrigue, and speculative fic (sci-fi/fantasy/horror). They will consider previously published works (including self-published works). Read submission guidelines HERE.  No simultaneous submissions.

Bywater Books is looking for well-written commercial fiction targeted to lesbian readers. They are especially interested the following fiction and non-fiction categories: Romance, Mystery, Action/Thriller, Science-fiction/Fantasy, Eco-fiction, Young Adult/New Adult, General Fiction, Cross-genre, Memoir, Essay, and Autobiography/Biography. They do not publish poetry or erotica. Read submission guidelines HERENo simultaneous submissions.

Chelsea Station Editions publishes books of gay and lesbian interest. Their books are distributed by several wholesalers, including Ingram and Bella Distribution Services. Our books are easily ordered by libraries and booksellers, both online and brick-and-mortar, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powells, and TLA. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Cleis Press publishes provocative, intelligent books across multiple genres, including literary fiction, human rights, mystery, romance, erotica, LGBTQ studies, sex guides, pulp fiction, and memoirs.  Read submission guidelines HERE.

Desert Palm Press welcomes fiction and nonfiction by lesbian authors. They are interested in fiction manuscripts where the main characters are lesbians. The story should be engaging, new and fresh. DPP prefers a HEA ending, or at least a happy ending for now, but will consider all well written stories. Non-fiction will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Desert Palm Press (DPP) produces e-books and print books that are available worldwide through Amazon, Smashwords, Bella Books, and CreateSpace. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Dreamspinner Press publishes gay male romance stories in all genres. While works do not need to be graphic, they must contain a primary or strong secondary romance plotline and focus on the interaction between two or more male characters. The main characters of the story must end in a gay or gay polyamorous relationship. Other relationships (heterosexual, lesbian, mixed gender polyamory) are acceptable in secondary pairings or as part of the development of a main character. Accepts novellas. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Harrington Park Press is a specialized academic/scholarly book publisher devoted to emerging topics in LGBTQ diversity, equality, and inclusivity. They currently seek manuscripts on LGBTQ scholarship related primarily to the social and behavioral sciences, social work, mental health, counseling, health care, social history, and other major fields of study and professional practice. Distributed by Columbia University Press. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Intaglio Publications publishes lesbian fiction only. This is a very small press, with a limited number of titles. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Interlude Press focuses on LGBTQ-focused titles. They are looking for well-crafted original novels, novellas, and short stories of 10,000 to 90,000 words featuring diverse casts with lead characters from across the LGBTQ spectrum, and welcome and encourage manuscripts written by authors from all backgrounds. Read submission guidelines HERENo simultaneous submissions. Duet is the YA Imprint

JMS Books LLC is a small electronic press publishing gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender erotic romance, romance, and young adult romance. Length: Between 20,000 and 90,000 words. They do not pay advances. Authors earn 50% royalties on all electronic and print sales from their website and distributors. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Less Than Three Press is looking for creative LGBTQIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual/pansexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual/aromantic/agender) romances in any genre. The primary focus of Less Than Three Press is romance. They are committed to the belief that romance assumes many forms and shapes: relationships built on platonic love and relationships built on romantic love. They want stories that focus on the relationship and end happily. Accepts short stories, novellas, and novels.  Read submission guidelines HERE.

ManLove Romance Press specializes in publishing male/male gay romance stories, most often in the erotic sub-genre. We make occasional exceptions for other types of extraordinary male/male storytelling - but those exceptions are rare. ManLove accepts a variety of genres in the male/male gay category: mysteries and suspense; paranormal and science fiction; historical, contemporary and futuristic; ghost or vampire; cowboy and urban; comedic or BDSM. Read submission guidelines  HERE.

New Victoria Publishers is primarily looking for well-crafted fiction in all genres featuring out lesbian protagonists with a strong sense of self-awareness.They are especially interested in lesbian or feminist manuscripts, ideally with characters who can evolve through a series of books. Mysteries should have a complex plot, and accurate legal and police procedural detail, and protagonists with full emotional lives. Romance and adventure stories can certainly be competitive in today’s market when there is a good pace, style and tension, and when the characters contain or dramatize important issues. They also consider well-researched non-fiction of interest to womyn, as well as lesbian-feminist herstory, or biography of interest to a general as well as an academic audience. In any science/speculative fiction or fantasy we prefer Amazon adventure themes and/or detailed, well crafted alternative realities, complete with appropriately original language and culture. Read submission guidelines HERE.

NineStar Press is seeking submissions of LGBTQA+ romance fiction and literary novels. Standalones, series & serials all considered across the board. Serials must have a defined ending in each installment. Previously published or self-published books are considered. Authors with orphaned books after the folding of a publishing company are encouraged to submit. You must own all rights to the story. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Pride Publishing is an imprint of Totally Entwined, a romance publisher. Pride Publishing is actively acquiring empowering, enchanting and endearing storylines that are sure to capture readers’ imaginations from start to finish. We’re looking for stories with lead characters who identify as GLBTQI. 10,000 -100,000 word count per story. Series and serials will be also be considered.No advance, royalties unknown. Read submission guidelines HERE.

RedBone Press publishes work celebrating the cultures of black lesbians and gay men, and work that further promotes understanding between black gays and lesbians and the black mainstream. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Regal Crest is looking for LGBTQI novels with plots of action, adventure, drama, fantasy, mystery, thriller, romance and science fiction, or romance coupled with sub-plots of action, adventure, drama, fantasy, mystery, thriller, and science fiction.  They accept most genres, including non-fiction works. Manuscripts of 15,000 to 59,999 will be considered for eBook formats only, with the exception that manuscripts that fall between 50,000 and 59,999 words will be looked at on a case-by-case basis for print publication. Manuscripts with a minimum of 60,000 words and a maximum of 120,000 words will be considered for print and eBook publication. Longer works will need to be edited down in size or split into multiple volumes. Read submission guidelines HERENo simultaneous submissions.

Resolute Publishing is committed to producing books rooted in African American culture and/or same-gender loving experiences. They welcome submissions from new and established women of color writers that are committed to great storytelling and are also passionate readers. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Ride the Rainbow Books is looking for well-written lesbian fiction. If your book is under 55,000 words, it may be considered a novella or a short story. If this is the case, they may combine it with other works by you or by other authors in the same book. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Riptide Publishing accepts all genres of LGBTQ romantic, erotic, and literary fiction under the following three imprints: Riptide Publishing: primarily adult genre fiction with romantic or erotic focus; all heat levels from sweet romance to erotica are welcome; Triton Books: YA genre and literary fiction; Anglerfish Press: upmarket fiction (literary genre fiction) with little or no romantic or erotic focus; HEAs are not required here. You can find details about their publishing contract on the site under FAQs. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Riverdale/Magnus is the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) imprint of Riverdale Avenue Books. They are actively looking for titles, both fiction and nonfiction, in a wide variety of areas, including popular culture, entertainment, biography/memoir, self-help, spirituality, and current affairs, among others. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Sapphire Books welcomes high-quality unsolicited manuscripts by lesbian authors. They are seeking specifically: romance, mystery/intrigue with romantic elements and young adult. Novel manuscripts must be a minimum of 50,000 words. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Supposed Crimes publishes queer fiction. The focus is on genre fiction–Westerns, Science Fiction, Horror, Action–rather than just romance. Their characters happen to love women and kick ass. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Ylva Publishing is looking for new, talented authors, who write about lesbian and bisexual heroines. Authors are not expected to contribute to the expenses involved in publishing and marketing their work; however, they are looking for authors who will actively participate in every step of the publishing process and in the marketing of their book. Length: Minimum word count 60,000. Read submission guidelines HERENo simultaneous submissions.

Let's break up this list with a little music!


Argot Magazine

"We’re interested in writing and visual art that spans the worlds of queer culture, the feminine narrative, marginalized communities, and politics and culture. Send us your short stories, poetry, satire, comics, illustrations, and photo essays." Payment: Starts at $35 and long form investigative pieces (4000> words) peaking at $250.


You must be a queer person of color/Indigenous/Aboriginal to submit to Anathema. Accepts fiction and nonfiction. Fiction: 1,500-6,000 words (soft min/max, but please within that general range). Original fiction only, no reprints. Must have some speculative content, however slight. No restriction on genre. Non-Fiction: 1,500-3,000 words (soft min/max, but please within that general range). Original content only, no reprints. Payment: $50 (CAD) for fiction and non-fiction, paid on publication.

The Gay & Lesbian Review

The magazine is targeted to “literate non-specialists,” i.e. well-educated readers who span a wide range of professions and interests. A high level of intellectual sophistication can be assumed; however, specialized jargon or highly academic language should be avoided. The G&LR publishes nonfiction and poetry—but not short fiction, personal memoirs, or journals. Payment: $100 for features and $50 for book reviews.

Plenitude Magazine

"Plenitude Magazine aims to promote the growth and development of LGBTTQI literature through an online publication of literary fiction, nonfiction, poetry, graphic narrative, book reviews and short film by both emerging and established LGBTTQI writers. We define queer literature and arts as works created by LGBTTQI people, rather than works which feature queer content alone. We are seeking literary fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, reviews, interviews, and novel excerpts at this time. We are not interested in genre writing, political essays, or rants." Payment: $80.

The Wanderer

"We are committed to publishing the work of artists whose lens isn’t the straight, white, cis male one that dominates our culture. If you are queer, trans, non-binary, a person of color, a woman, disabled; if you’re a beginning writer or an experienced one, The Wanderer wants to read your work. We’re also actively searching for: Poems in Spanish, Book Reviews, and Excerpts." Payment: $25; $10 for book reviews.

Thanks to publishedtodeath.blogspot.com for this amazing list


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