Beta readers

So you're a Beta Reader.

Basically you are reading, reviewing, commenting on, proofing and editing someone's writing for free. Let's talk about that.

Really, you can be called an Alpha Reader (alphareader) Beta Reader (betareader) a pre- reader, or critiquer. Basically you are a non professional reader (insert-works for free) who reads written work with the intent to comb through it to find and often times correct and improve grammatical and spelling errors. You may even make suggestions about the storyline, characters or the structure of the work. Beta readers can also identify plot issues, story flow inconsistencies, character believability and likeability and even do fact checking.

A Beta reader can be a proofreader or editor as well.
Usually proofreaders and editors are hired and compensated for the work and can be held to a much higher standard and help the writer to have  potentially grammatically flawless material.
Beta reading is usually done pre release to the public.  Sometimes it is done in hindsight.

If you love books and have the time, this is a great way to get free reading content, have a voice in what may turn out to be a very successful endeavor for a writer and also help to keep at  bay the myriad of mistake laden works that are being added to the book-o-sphere daily.

Utilizing beta readers, proofreaders and editors can be an invaluable service. It can be the difference between thoroughly engaging your readers to losing them and getting bad reviews. They are the extra set of eyes on your prize. Sometimes when you look at your own writing day in and day out, you do not see the mistakes...I am speaking to the self publishers that forgo this step. I also understand that professional proofreaders and editors can be costly. But can you put a price on right?

If you are interested in being a beta reader you definitely need to love and have a passion for reading. You should also have some skill in English grammar and spelling, preferably more than less. Also understand that beta reading may not be as enjoyable as reading strictly for pleasure. Remember also,  "Beta" implies there is no compensation. Sometimes the authors will send you a copy of the book or work with you on content they will publish later. How awesome would that be!

Still interested? Ok ay...So how do you connect with authors to let them know you are interested? Believe it or not, authors are constantly looking for Alpha and beta readers.

There is a Google+ group called Authors- Blatant Promo 4 Writers, Blogs! who have a whole section of the community dedicated to connecting writers with Beta readers. Join the community its for readers and writers and check it out for yourself!

Goodreads also has a Beta Reader Group             Be my Friend on Goodreads

FanFiction also has Betas by categories

World Literary Café has a forum for connecting authors and betas


By Sheri Thomson
Wife, Blogger, Book Lover

For the love of reading....So many books...only two eyes.

See books I am reading or reviewing on Goodreads!

Reading, Proofreading & Copy Editing Services

Reading, Proofreading & Copy Editing Services

Reading, Proofreading & Copy Editing Services

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In real life I am a wife, mom, wedding officiant, amateur photographer and  blogger. Here I am just a woman that likes to read. Don't judge me.
SL Thomson


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