Potluck of Poetry and Prose Author Event 2018

I am excited to share these poets and creative writers in this year's Potluck of Poetry and Prose Author Event.

I remember being introduced to poetry in elementary school. 
My, that was so long ago....
Having to memorize poems from Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou and even Shel Silverstein. I found such pride in being able to recite these long verses with passion and accuracy. I shared these poems with my children when they were young. 

I still have a poem book I was gifted many moons ago that I sometimes refer to when I want to feel inspired or just read words of love. Here is my favorite book of poetry from my bookshelf. What's yours? Let me know on Twitter at @whoshereads

I am honored to bring you some poets I have found and hope you enjoy as well. 

Unfortunately we have no actively participating poets in this year's event but I am hopeful that we will next year.

Enjoy the Potluck of Poetry and Prose Author Event 2018

Be inspired!




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