Writer Spotlight: John Darryl Winston

Name :: John Darryl Winston
Website or Blog :: johndarrylwinston.com

This author from Detroit needs little to no introduction. In addition to being a great writer, He is a public school educator, a recording artist and songwriter for such big names as Gerald Levert and David Foster and a graduate of Wayne State University. I reviewed his book, IA: Initiate, last year and fell in love with his writing. Did you know that this series started as a creative writing project for "Boys Read" program?
I, along with many of you, his fans, have been waiting anxiously for the release of the second book in the series and yes,! it is finally here.  If you follow him on Goodreads you will see he is also an avid reader and posts lots of reviews and recommendations. A few of my TBRS come from his suggestions. 

His new book is starting strong with solid 5 star ratings. Not hardly surprising. This is not written in the traditional African American Urban style its a  more contemporary feel and definitely fills the space for diversified writing within the superheroes and Science Fiction genre. This is an author you really want to have on your bookshelf or Kindle people! Look at the cover art its awesome right!
I am honored to present author John Darryl Winston in the Winter Writer Spotlight. 
Today he will share a bit of insight into the much anticipated second novel in the series IA: B.O.S.S.

In the Author's Words :: 
These words from a grandparent inspired me. "I had been hoping to find a "Harry Potter" type book and series where the main character is African American and I believe 'IA: Initiate' fills that. 
Additionally, I look for "Super Hero" type books for them where the super hero is also African American. My grandsons delight in these characters on TV with European features, white skin and flowing Blond hair who don't look like them. I have to interrupt that." This is why I write what I write.

What piece of advise do you have for aspiring writers? :: 
Read any and everything you can get your hands on, especially in the genre you are writing in, and write as often as you can.

Title :: IA: B.O.S.S.

Give us a little bit of insight into the story!
The most important thing in the world to 13-year-old orphan, Naz Andersen is keeping his litter sister safe from the mean streets of the Exclave. However, after losing his best friend to gang violence, he begins to discover that the voices in his head, his nightmares, and sleepwalking are actually telekinesis and telepathy: a gift from his father of whom he has no memory. When tragedy strikes again, Naz uses his new found abilities to bring his friends' murderers to justice.

With permission I have been allowed to share this copyrighted work with you on my site. Please contact the author through their website before using any of the work seen here.  

From the pages of the book... 

Naz focused on Dr. Gradanco, but not just his eyes ... 
everything. Anxiously, Dr. Gwen grabbed the next set of cards and started 
the test again.

"How many children do you have?" She asked.

"One," answered Dr. Gradanco, robotically.

"True." Naz focused.

"How many languages do you speak?" continued Dr. Gwen.

"Three," answered Dr. Gradanco.

"Also true." Naz smiled.

With every question Naz's response time grew shorter.

"What college did you attend?" Asked Dr. Gwen excitedly.

"Cambridge," answered Dr. Gradanco.

"He's lying," responded Naz confidently.

"What did you have for dinner last night," asked Dr. Gwen.

"Not true." Naz laughed.

"Sp-spaghetti," stammered Dr. Gradanco, amazed.

"Let him answer first, Naz." Dr. Gwen smiled as she clumsily tried to split her time between taking notes and reading the cards.

With each set of cards, Naz became more resolute, scoring one hundred percent accuracy on the next fifty questions. He finished with an exhilarating exhale as if he had forfeited breathing for the entire 
process. During the test it was Dr. Gwen who looked surprised and awestruck, as Naz's answers were instantaneous, sometimes bordering on precognition. He was confident with no hesitation in his responses, but after it was all over he was dumbfounded. He sat in disbelief--could I really possess such an ability?

©John Darryl Winston

What's on the Horizon for you?  
Three things: first, I'm piloting an Adopt an Author program which has as its vision and mission to create an atmosphere where kids learn to love reading an writing, second, I'm presenting at the 
National Writers' Conference in Las Vegas, April 2016, and finally, I'm graduating in with my MFA in Creative Writing from Wilkes University, June 2016.

Where can readers purchase your books or content? 

Who is your favorite author? 
Stephen King

From Amazon...
The most important thing in the world to thirteen-year-old orphan "Naz" Andersen is keeping his little sister, Meri, safe from the mean streets of the Exclave and insidious foster parent, Miss Tracey. Until now, he's done just that. But after losing his best friend to suspicious circumstances, Naz turns his attention to ruthless gang leader, Roffio Styles, and the Incubus Apostles. But to find out the truth, Naz will need to once again summon the world within, and with the help of Meri and his therapist Dr. Gwen he begins to discover that the voices in his head, his nightmares, and sleepwalking are actually telekinesis and telepathy at play: a gift from his father of whom he has no memory.

But when Naz gets too close to the truth and tragedy strikes again, he is compelled to unleash his newfound abilities, wield his own unique brand of destruction, and bring his friends' murderers to justice.

And because I love my viewers here are more goodies!
see my review for IA: Initiate Book 1 and get your e book copy on Amazon while it is on sale!
Get them both on my Science Fiction Pinterest board


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