It's Just A Bunch of Non-Fiction: Day 2

Ultimate Guide to Texting Men: Texts and scripts to send men in the most common dating scenarios. Flirt and date with confidence by author Iona Yeung

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Have you ever been at a loss for words when texting a guy? You're about to discover the tried and tested texts to send to a guy in the most common dating scenarios. I've coached hundreds of women through tricky texting situations and have helped them connect with men on a deeper and meaningful level.

In the past few months, I've picked up even more texting tips and launched the second edition of the Ultimate Guide to Texting Men.

Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn

- What to text him when you want him to take you out
- What to text him when you want to see more of him without sounding too needy or clingy
- What xx's at the end of texts mean
- What to do when you're disappointed that he's cancelled your date...again
- My #1 fail-proof method to texting men
- The 5 texts men LOVE to receive from you (as told by men)
- Texting tips he wish you knew

The foundation of every good relationship starts with communication and this should not be ignored in any communication platform.

Maybe you've engaged in a texting marathon and now your relationship is stuck in texting limbo. You want him to ask you out or even give you a call but you don't know how to say it? In this Ultimate Guide to Texting, I've teamed up with top quality men to create texts you can send in the most common dating scenarios - for all those times you want to be flirty and confident but am not sure how. 

This book is for you if...
- you want to know exactly how to handle awkward texting situations
- you're looking for fool proof tips to ensure you communicate your messages with clarity 
- you want to gain the confidence to flirt and create connection (even if it's through text)
- want to know how to turn online text matches into offline dates
- you are finally ready to take the guess work out of texting
- you want access to tons of freebies I offer within the book (freebies that not only help you communicate better with men but also freebies to help you identify the things that may be sabotaging your love life. 

As founder of, I've been helping single women around the world for years to help them find the relationship they crave. My work has been seen on Yahoo!, Daily Telegraph, Huffington Post, Body + Soul and many more publications.

Available in print and e-book


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