Gearing Up for 2018

Good bye 2017

and good riddance.....

The past year and a half have been especially tough for me. I have been tested physically and emotionally in ways I could not have imagined.

Life has a funny, not so funny, way of twisting and turning to keep you on your toes. Without going into a lot of details, I became the caregivers for my husband's parents. Anyone who has had to take on this type of role knows it is extremely difficult in the best of circumstances, but unfortunately for me, I was not granted the best of circumstances. Let's just say 100 times 1 million a difficult and unpleasant situation.

I have dug in and re-evaluated and re-assessed and re-grouped over and over to try to approach it from different ways to keep from losing my sanity and my belief that people are essentially good and kind.

Unfortunately, due to my new reality, my wedding business and book blog  had to be put on hold for a while. (Most days are still precarious at best.) So you will see that there were a few months where there was little to no activity on the blog in 2017. However I want to thank the thousands of people that still visited my site monthly. Your devotion to my little spot on the web helped to encourage me to not give up as I was so close to doing. I can't guarantee that I will have posts daily in 2018, but I will definitely have several posts per week to keep you engaged.

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What's in store for the new year?

In 2018 on the Who She Reads book blog I hope to

  • have more participation in the Author Events, 
  • gain more subscribers to the blog  
  • introduce a ton of new and must read books and authors to my readers
  • give books that have been out for a while, with little or no traction a bit of promotion, especially from independent authors, 
  • and as always I will be looking for books that have under 50 reviews
  • aggressively network with authors to bring the books you don't want to miss to the the blog
  • bring back Wednesday Wine and A Book with wine sponsors at least once a month
  • keep posts short 
  • offer paid advertising and promotion spots on the blog
  • books will be promoted/posted on my social media

There is a big possibility that I may combine my websites under one domain. More on that later in 2018. Blog posts will still be primarily released at 7:30 am and if more than one post is done for the day I try to separate them by a few hours. I think that is fair to give the authors individual focus for a few hours instead of lumping them all together where they can get lost in the noise of others. There is enough of that already around the web.

I may put in a few more personalized posts this coming year, time permitting. I will still focus on fiction for YA, NA and Adult  readers. Indie authors will still be heavily promoted.
Children's books (those written for age 13 and under) won't be promoted. I don't have issue with them but think they are better suited for family friendly sites. I don't think its a great idea to post children's books next to explicit content books.

Book Reviews will come sporadically, because it is truly difficult to read around someone who has to have constant care and craves constant attention. And as well intended as late night reading seems, the actuality is... well let's just say the stats on that are: SLEEP- 250 LATE NIGHT READING- 3

I would like to thank all of the authors whose books have appeared on the blog this past year. I would also like to thank all of the intelligent and well informed readers of my blog. A great big, extra special thank you for those that purchased and reviewed books I posted  and re-tweeted, liked and shared the Who She Reads posts throughout my social media feeds.

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I look at this picture and think to myself that I felt swallowed up by the events of the past year and 1/2. Just like I look like I am being swallowed up by this extra large Adirondack chair. But I managed to smile because I am determined to have a better year. Good bye 2017. Thanks for the lessons learned and the strength and determination power ups!

2018 is going to be a great year for you and me.
Happy New Years!
SL Thomson


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