What's Love got to do with it

Before we move into the month of February, it's fair to say and acknowledge, that some people may dread the month of love.
I remember the days when I was anti-love and anti Valentines. Love had trampled me, and kicked me when I was down...not so much love but the people I chose to love.  So I feel , or rather, have felt your pain. So here's a post just for you.

For those of you that say F*ck Love and F*ck Valentines Day, here are a few books you may enjoy! Afterall, everyone, especially misery, likes a little company...

F*CK LOVE by Tarryn Fisher

Helena Conway has fallen in love.
Unwillingly. Unwittingly.
 But not unprovoked.
Kit Isley is everything she’s not—unstructured, untethered,
and not even a little bit careful.
It could all be so beautiful … if he wasn’t dating her best friend.
Helena must defy her heart, do the right thing, and think of others.
Until she doesn’t.

Anti-Love Poems by Pella Dikonimaki

Anti-Love poems is a collection of 38 poems about love, but in a way that erases every trace of foreverness in love affairs. The hidden truth gets the first role in the play of love and comes to the foreground to remove the transparent veil of belief that blurs reality. 
Here's a poem from the collection, dedicated to all. 

Stars will ornate it, 
fairies will embroider it, 
elves will weave it. 
Without saying, 
the fairy tale princes 
will envy the lad who will take the beautiful girl. 
he never showed up. 
she wore her wedding dress 
and left towards the sunset, 
nearly seventy years old. 

PELLA DIKONIMAKI lives in Athens (Greece) and works as a freelance editor/proofreader on books. She is also a photographer and has exhibited her work several times at festivals, such as the “13th International Month of Photography in Athens”. She has studied Journalism, Photography and Humanities − European Culture. Despite all those traits, in her private life, she stays true to herself.

Gunning Down Romance by author C L Raven

Three chilling stories themed around the dark side of love - one woman embarks on a grisly quest to create the perfect lover; a man uses his life's work to ensure his lovers stay with him forever and a reincarnated saint has a unique, macabre way of punishing unfaithful lovers which keeps her alive. All their unfortunate lovers will experience a Valentine's Day they will never forget.

Tomorrow starts the 14 Days of Love event on Who She Reads


Book Blitz: Cloaked in Blood book 3

Book Blitz: One More Time Is not Enough

Featured Writer Spotlight and Interview: Author Robb T White