Father's Day

It's the 3rd Sunday in June traditionally known as father's day in America. The day when we shout out our enduring love for father's. Give them gifts of ties, tech stuff and golf clubs and home made cards and breakfast in bed. It's also the day we clown on those that have shirked the responsibility, load up social media with  hatred of the (baby daddies)--deadbeats and one or ones that have left the children and you to fend for yourselves, creating a cycle of anger and possible more failed lives.

But today we are going to focus on the ones that have stepped up and been there, the ones that are good fathers, men and rolemodels. The ones that know their proper place in young lives and have not exploited them, used the children as a tool in court battles, defiled them or abused the children that they have brought into this world and have given hope to the future of our children around the world. To the ones that honor their vows in marriage and are not always looking at porn or another man or woman, causing strife in the household. The ones that you are proud to say...That's my dad, That's my father.

To the ones that are not alcoholics, or drug addicts or child molestors,  but the ones that get up daily, put up with untold aggravation at their job or career, and make a living for their children, the men that go to court to fight for equal time with their offspring, who truly want to be in the life of their children because of love and it being the right thing to do. For the dad that teaches his kid how to ride a bike or swing a baseball bat, fix a car,  who sits at the little league football games, and bandages the booboo. To the dad who always has the cellphone on record because he does not want to miss a day of your achievements. Today we salute you!

Today we celebrate the parent who is often overlooked at graduation speeches because mom's are always thanked (mom's are awesome). The dad who helped you with math and science projects and took you camping or fishing even though you hated every minute of it. The man that taught you to swim and helped you with calculus. The one that instills everyday practical values in your life and also gives you room to grow in love. The guy that stepped in and became the father you needed and wanted in the absence of the one that should have or could have been there but for what ever reason was not. The guy that looked out for you, made sure you were safe and never asked for anything in return. Today we celebrate you!

To the uncles that helped with carpools, to the neightbor friend guy that helped you with a few bucks to buy groceries when things were tight. To the guy you dated for a few months but was never husband material , but did right by your kids during your relationship. To the grandfather that reared your child because you could not.  To all of the men everywhwere who understand the importance and the impact of positive male interaction in a childs life, Happy Father's day!

And if you need something quick to thank them check out this site! Fathers Day


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