Writer Spotlight:Julie Ann Hacker

Author - Julie Ann Hacker
Website or Blog - julieannhacker.com

In the Author's Words - I've just published a psychological, spiritual fiction novel called The Dead Dance Faster - Unsacred Awakening (Book #1).
This summer and fall, I'll be writing a novella and book #2 in The Dead Dance Faster series.  My inspiration to write comes simply from the thought that it helps me to know myself better, and the whole world around me.

Your favorite author (s)?
There are so many, really. But my all time  favorite book from the time I was a child until now, is The Secret Garden  by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Book Title - The Dead Dance Faster - Unsacred Awakening

So what's it about?
When Jael Mancuso decides she needs to get away and
explore her lost spiritual roots, she quits her job and moves to Seven
Hills. The unrelenting, mystery-seeking Jael stumbles upon a misguided trip
back into her inherited religious childhood where she's forced to live its
delinquencies in her present. A quagmire of secrecy unfolds. Her mind
boggles under the dense, manipulative charade of the spiritually reprobate.

Sample Read - Excerpt from Chapter 1:

Chapter 1
Desperate Attempts

She stands behind me, hands resting on either side of my chair. Wisps of her coercive breath crawl against my neck. It licks my soul with a forceful twist and rasps against my waning spirit. I steady myself against the desk,
feet flat on the crimson shag carpet. As I stare at the laptop screen, her shadow shrouds my shoulders. My heart beats slow and hard, pushing against my ribs. I'm dying to rebut her ominous intimidation. She's worn me down.

I'm now mystified and curious as to what Seven Hills, New York, might offer, this mysterious place of puritanical suffrages.

Grandma said it all the time, "Puritanical suffrages." She'd roll her eyes in disgust. "My mother," she'd cry out without finishing her thought, until the day she died. The religious burden released her soul but captured mine before I even knew it.

What's in the Works? - I have many books in the hopper. Books 2, 3, and 
beyond of The Dead Dance Faster series, a novella coming out this summer, 
and a literary fiction novel coming out at the end of the year.

Where can readers purchase your books or content?- At Amazon.com: 

You can visit my author page at amazon.com/author/julieannhacker or my 
website julieannhacker.com

Any tips for aspiring writers? Write what you know and don't give up on your dream!

You can find more content by indie author Julie Ann Hacker on Amazon/Kindle and Goodreads

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