Writer Spotlight: Harry Hodge

Author- Harry Hodge
Your Blog - hodgedude.wordpress.com

A journalism graduate from Concordia University in Montreal, Harry has worked for publications across Canada and Asia. This work is Harry's first foray into the world of non-fiction. His hope is to bring laughter and insight into another culture. 

In the Author's Words - A focus on odd experiences during work or travels  when it really seemed to someone (the author or others) that whatever was  happening was the most logical course of action. When you are in the  moment, "logic" becomes fluid. If someone had told me before moving to  Seoul or Ho Chi Minh City or some of these other places that all these  strange things would happen, I'd laugh it off and say "you're outta your  mind!"

With permission I have been allowed to share her copyrighted work with you on my site. Please contact the author through her website before using any of the work seen here.

What title are you sharing? - It Seemed Like A Good Idea...

So what's this story about? - With more than a decade in the media and 5+ years in  ESL education, Harry Hodge's career has taken some twists and turns in 
locations around the world. From teaching English to S. Korean elementary 
students to pulling rickshaws in Canada to playing a Spanish colonel on 
Vietnamese TV, the term "I'll try anything once" has never been more 

Let's take a look!


Seoul 2001

The director walked in, with a reprimanding tone in his voice.

"Why are the children all crying?" he said.

"They tried to KILL the window-washer," I said, through gritted teeth,  amidst the whimpers and sobs.

"Ah," he said, as though it wasn't the first time.

© Harry Hodge

Anything in the works? - I'm currently co-authoring a series of ESL student books in Vietnam, which will be in the public school system in time for the upcoming school year. I'm also collaborating with a Vietnamese  artist on a graphic novel called "Getting Lucky," which is pretty much 99%  action, chases and shootouts.

Where can readers purchase your books or content? - My book is available 
on Amazon.co.uk:
And Smashwords:

Who's your favorite author (s)? Haruki Murakami

Any tips for aspiring writers? - This book involved me backtracking almost 
20 years for some of the source material, so if something funny happens, 
write it down! You never know when it'll be useful.

You can find Author Harry Hodge on Amazon/Kindle

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