Second Look: Once Written Twice Shy

Once Written, Twice Shy by Carey Decevito
(The Broken Men Chronicles #1)
Publication date: November 10th 2015
Genres: Erotica, Romance

I stared at the overly large bags that lay by the front entrance with what must have been the world’s largest what the fuck look on my face.
“I’m done, Paxton.”
After his bitter marriage ends, Paxton seeks respite from his loss. Rediscovering his writing, he never expected to create a piece worthy of reading, nor for two unsuspecting paths to cross in the most unconventional of ways.
Thousands of miles separated them, yet he’d never felt closer to anyone. Finding out that happiness and love was attainable again was one thing. But having Alissa – that was something else all together!
When the two finally meet in person, sparks fly. Their chemistry is beyond explosive, and emotions reach a boiling point. Their brief love affair ignited the fuse, but Paxton is shocked when his young son fans their fire. His sweet four-year-old boy immediately falls for the loving, meek, demurred woman in Alissa, and she starts to change both their lives. Then, she becomes their salvation – in ways no one could see coming.


Born and raised in small town Northern Ontario, Canada, Carey Decevito has always had a penchant for reading and writing.

More than a decade later, with weeks of sleepless nights, where exhaustion settled into her everyday existence, she finally gave in and put pen to paper (more like fingers to keyboard!) She submitted to the dreams that plagued her. And the rest, as they say, is history!

A member of the RWA, Carey Decevito enjoys spending time with family and friends, the outdoors, travelling, and playing tourist in Canada's National Capital region. When life gets crazy, she seeks respite through her writing and reading. If all else fails, she knows there's never a dull moment with her two daughters, her goofy husband, and cat who she swears is out to get her.

Author links: 

The Giveaway

When I married, I had intended it to be for life.
Well, I guess life had a plan of its own, huh?

With each passing day, I picked up the broken pieces of me.  I hadn’t realized that I had stifled so much of myself over the years to try and please a woman that seemed to never be sated with anything I said or did.
Fueled by my feelings of loss and neglect, I made a decision, which led me to rediscover an old love.
The proverbial flame was rekindled, and I began to write again.
For what felt like an eternity, I wrote.  When I was done, I read my piece over so many times that my words no longer made sense, forcing me to put it down and go back to it later.
I stared at my finished manuscript displayed on my screen.
What am I going to do with this?
I had discovered a site, a few months before.  It had been recommended by a colleague.  The venue allowed people from around the world to peruse and read various works written by amateurs.  Some of the work on there I found horrid, while others, despite their various grammatical and punctual flaws, you wished you could set your hands on an edited and printed copy, they were so great.
What the hell.
I decided to chance it.
With a bit of copy and paste, and a little restructuring, I hit the publish button and there it was.  My first written piece was out for the world to see.

It wasn’t until a few months after I had posted my work that I stumbled upon a comment that I couldn’t dismiss.  I ached for constructive feedback, but the lack of it was getting to me due to the site being overrun by teenagers.  I debated getting rid of my profile altogether up until that fateful day.
That short message was where things began to change for me.  With simple words of appreciation, intellectual and heartfelt thoughts, followed by a click of her mouse, Alissa had made me smile.

I sought her profile out and found that she was a fellow amateur writer just like me.
She’s gorgeous, had been my first impression.  Despite her evident beauty, something else could be seen in her profile photo; something that beckoned me further, begged my curiosity to look beyond the surface.  It was in her eyes.
Or was I reading into things too much, since I was such a novice at these social media-like sites?

For a few weeks, I sat on Alissa’s words alone as I read through some of her work.
She was good.
Better than good.
I thought that I’d end up with one of those written numbers that didn’t make much sense or that glittered in the night featuring vampires and werewolves.  Boy was I wrong!
The woman sure knew how to paint a vivid picture.  She pulled off the hot and sexy but kept it real all at once by adding emotion, drama, even a bit of action and suspense to her mix.  Her work was altogether something reminiscent of everyday life: the good, the bad, the ugly, the… Well, you get the picture.

A few days after reading her last novel, a dream influenced by her work prompted me to finally write out an acknowledgment to her comment.
From there, we began to chat through private messages on a near daily basis.
We never stopped…

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